Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Importance of the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project

          Some people think that Romeo and Juliet is best learned by reading the play and taking a test on it. In fact the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was a much better method. This method was simply more fun. The project engaged students into the play. Work for the project was mostly done at home. The project taught students useful skills. Over all, the project was more successful in helping students learn, than just taking a test on the material. People think that Romeo and Juliet is best learned by discussing it in class and writing an essay on it, but the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was a better idea.
          The Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was a fun way of learning Romeo and Juliet. It encouraged students to try their best. The project was filmed making students feel special. After the project was finished many students came to a cast party and had a fun and enjoyable time. Much of the project involved students working in groups so they felt more comfortable. The work assigned to the students was interesting so the students felt compelled to do it. Since the project was fun students were willing to give up their time towards it. Though the project was a fun one, it was also very engaging to the students.
          The Epic Romeo and Juliet Project did a good job of engaging students. One of the main ways the project engaged students was by having them act in the play. Another way was by having them direct and help with the play.  The Students rely on other students performing their jobs. So the students have to do their work or other students cannot do theirs. Students had to update a blog once or twice a week to inform other students of their progress. Some students would check other students’ blogs to see how far they are. The Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was an engaging one, but most of the work was done at home.
          Most of the work for the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was done at home. This allows students to spend more time on the project. With work being done at home students can apply themselves more than at school because they have more time. More resources are available when working at home. There are fewer distractions when work is being done at home. When students are at home they are more motivated than in the classroom. At home the work can be split up amongst different hours. Working at home is an advantage, but many skills were learned throughout the project.
          There were several skills learned throughout the Epic Romeo and Juliet project. One of the many skills learned was the use of a blog, where the students used blogs to communicate their progress. Editing a wiki was a skill learned in the project, a wiki is an editable webpage used by many professors in college. Turnitin.com is a website that students were told write responses to questions on, it is also a website used to check for plagiarism. How to go on camera was a skill learned mainly by the actors, this skill would be used in an acting or drama class. Filming the students while they were acting was a skill learned by the cameramen. Some of the students had to work together for a common goal. Students learned how to edit posters in Microsoft publisher.
          Over all the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was a success. The project was a fun way of learning Romeo and Juliet. The project did a good job of engaging students. Most of the work for the project was done at home. There were several skills learned throughout the project. In conclusion the project was a better idea than the conventional way. There will always be people think that Romeo and Juliet is best learned by discussing it in class and writing an essay on it, but the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project was a much better idea.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


The video is short. I most likely will make a new version but for now this is it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Progress Update

                   Me bieng the procrastinator that I am I have not even the romotest idea as to what I am going to do. once I have an idea I will be sure to post it on the blog. Though I will most likely not even bother till the day before it is due. Hopfully I will be abe to pull this off with my procrastination skills going.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Information

In this post I will give out information that would be useful for anyone needing to get in touch with me.
-my personal email is ( email ), if that doesn't work here is the actual address ( andude3@gmail.com )
-my school email is( 20006757@students.gpschools.org ), here is a link ( email-school )
-for my street address contact me with one of the methods above and I will give it to you.

If any more information is necessary please contact me with one of the methods above and I will try my best to give it to you at my first convenience.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

First Video

This is my first video for this project it is an experiment of sorts because this was my first time using GIMP and also my first time using OpenShot. For this video I  chose to have prologue playing in the background while i played important information on the video.I did run into some problems so if you find any more please tell me via a comment to this post.

If the embeddedd video doesn't work here are two forms of the same link, link 1,
 or link 2 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cXWOWyvL4k )

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Video Advertising

Hello my name is Andrew Korzeczek and I am a part of the video advertising group. This group is in charge of making a trailer for the movie later on we can post this trailer to various websites in order to advertise our movie. in addition to this we are also in charge of making several smaller commercials. This group will most likely begin working once the actors get their scripts and have them somewhat memorized. So that they can quote some of their lines.